Our Blog

Thoughts, announcements and tutorials.

Invitation to join our open-source initiative

Here is a chance to contribute to an open-source software project and be part of an amazing community.

Setting up ZSH in openSUSE 15.5

Learn how to install ZSH (and a few plugins) in openSUSE that'll make your life easier as a developer.

CoDevs Platform: A surprising success story

Read about the exciting developments at CoDevs involving established IT companies and their unique proposal.

Unleashing the Future of Learning: CoDevs

Introducing CoDevs, a revolutionary platform where learning full-stack development gets hands-on.

Projects in VirtualEnvWrapper

Learn how to use VirtualEnvWrapper's mkproject command for an efficient project setup.

Solved: Permission-not-found error in data-migrations

Learn how to fix the permission-not-found error in data migrations after resetting your Django app's database.

Django Beginners: How to ask for help?

Learn how to ask for help in online communities as a Django developer without being perceived as lazy.

Django Developers Guild – Jan '23 summary

Here's a summary of the key takeaways from the January event.

Dockerise a Django application - Part 7

Learn how to set up a Mailhog SMTP container to handle all emails from your Django app.